I recently spoke to the brother of a client who had just finished my program. He shared how the program helped his sister remove many fears she used to have about money. His words: “do you realize that what you give people is not financial coaching? what you give them is peace of mind and freedom”
Peace of mind and freedom…it truly energized me hearing that. As I reflect on his words, I think he captured the essence of what I attempt to do as a financial coach. There is an inherited peace of mind that comes from knowing where you stand. And there is freedom that comes from understanding how you can live life on your own terms.
Over the past year, I have celebrated with clients who realized they could retire earlier than they thought. I had a client buy his first investment property. I have seen the relief in others of knowing: “I’m not going to run out of money during retirement.” I have helped some clients start their investment portfolio. I also had a client that was on a career break and realized that he didn’t need to go back to work because of money but rather because he enjoys what he does.
I really appreciate that my clients are willing to let me into their lives and share their dreams and fears. We all have them but sometimes we just need a nudge to face our fears, to pursue our dreams and to start living life according to our own terms.
To my current and previous clients, thank you for your trust, I have truly enjoyed working with each one of you. Thank you also for your kind words, knowing that you have found value in our sessions is what inspires me to continue doing this work.
If you want to explore the benefits of financial coaching, don't hesitate to schedule a free consultation.